Many Pagan parents labor over the question of whether to raise their children in a Pagan tradition, simply expose them to a number of different religions, or avoid the subject of religion altogether.

Here are my thoughts. If you have found a spiritual tradition that works for you, that gives you a strong connection to spirit and tools for living a good life, why not share with your children?

Your family can share in the celebration of the sabbats, the exploration of the many faces of divinity, discussions of the Rede and how it works in real life, and learning simple magicks to protect and enhance yourselves. This will strengthen your family bonds and give your children some essential values to get them started in the world.

Should your children be exposed to other spiritual paths and religious faiths? Absolutely. When they are adults, they may consciously choose to follow the Pagan tradition they were raised in, or possibly to try other religions, seeking a better fit. They may experiment with several different spiritual paths, or reject them all for a time and identify as humanists, or choose some non-religious philosophy to fit their beliefs and guide their actions.

They may follow a very different path from yours for a time, and then return to their Pagan roots. Alternatively, they may simply carry some of their core Pagan beliefs and values into another faith, enriching themselves and that chosen religion.

Short of getting enmeshed in some destructive and authoritarian cult, it’s all good. Everyone needs some kind of emotional and intellectual structure and guidelines to get through life, especially the very young who have not yet had time and experience to understand the realities of human existence and create their own belief systems.

If your spiritual path works for you, then gift it to your children as they are growing. If they later decide that something else works better for them, they can choose that. But at least they will not be left floundering as they grow, and possibly become easy targets for some group that may not have their best interests at heart.

— Amber K
Yes; I have a son, Starfire, who has attended every single Pagan Spirit Gathering!