Hip, Hip, Hooray!

What our readers and reviewers say about our books and seminars.

See reviews for individual books on those pages!

Thank you’s

I’ve put your [books] and Scott Cunningham’s at the top of my list. Selena Fox also gets star rating. You ladies reflect the best of the Craft. Thank you for speaking out. You ladies make me proud to be Pagan.
–W, Wiccan High Priestess

… By the way, thank you for who you are and all that you do in this life!
— MJM, in a note congratulating us on our legal marriage

As Speakers

What a great class! Packed with practical info that I have been wondering about.

I really like the atmosphere, level of instruction, quality & content of the classes. WONDERFUL TEACHERS.

The class was wonderful! Very informative & a nice mix of hands-on & information. Thank you!

The handout materials are a wonderful resource & it helps not having to take notes.

I most liked the practical applications that were suggested to follow up on. Thanks for keeping the dream alive!

How marvelous & generous you are! Thank you for the welcome—such respect for the novice is unexpected. Thank you!

All of it was connected & built one level upon another.

Mixed format—good balance of lecture & activities. Thorough & organized.

My soul is satisfied.