What is Wicca?
Wicca is a revival of one of the old religions of pre-Christian Europe, with modern additions.
Wicca is a nature religion, focusing on reverence for the Earth and all Her creatures.
Wicca pictures divinity as Goddess and God – Feminine and Masculine.
Wicca is a shamanic and magickal religion. We explore feelings, intuitions, and Mystery as well as ideas.
Wicca is a joyful religion. We sing, dance, drum, feast, and celebrate.
Wicca is a religion of personal responsibility. Each of us is in charge of our lives, conduct, and spiritual growth.
Wicca is a positive, ethical religion. Our primary rule, called the Wiccan Rede, is to follow the Spirit within, and never harm anyone. We also know that whatever we send out, good or not, will return threefold.
What Wicca Is Not
Wicca is not authoritarian. We have no gurus, popes, or messiahs, no doctrine or “test of faith.”
Wicca is not devil-worship. We do not recognize Satan.
Wicca is not Christian (though many Wiccans admire Jesus). We do not believe in original sin, guilt, sacrifice, redemption, or resurrection (although many of us believe in reincarnation).
Wicca is not a profit-making enterprise. There are no fees or charges for services or coven training. We have no paid clergy, and ask no tithes.
Wicca is not for everyone. If you have found a spiritual home which meets your needs, we congratulate you and wish you well in the faith of your choice.
Five Unique Features of Wicca
For more on these, look up Ronald Hutton’s writings.
Wicca draws out and enhances the divinity within human beings
Wicca abolishes the modern distinction between religion and magick
Wicca’s essence lies in the creative performance of ritual
Wicca is a Mystery religion
Wicca is eclectic and protean (ever-changing, versatile)
Oh, and the Pentagram?
The planet Venus traces a pentagram in the sky every eight years, and the pentagram has been used since ancient times as a symbol of protection and balance. In modern Wicca it symbolizes the positive balance of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, with Spirit at the top, throughout the universe and within each person.